Change is Overdue
The reality of the world as of late is really hard to even put into words. I usually have A LOT to say, and I’ve been speechless. I’ve been focusing on listening and learning as best I can. It’s been incredibly eye opening in how I analyze day to day encounters and be extra careful how I use my words.
I will be the first to admit that I have always been hesitant to speak my mind about politics, race, social justice, and world events because I don’t feel educated enough to do so. I’m scared to say the wrong thing, to be judged, and make a lot of second guesses. So in the current state of our country, I’ve felt a bit numb. As awful as the series of recent events have been (a global pandemic, police brutality, murder of innocent lives, and severe riots) I do think it’s forced some overdue and necessary change.
The last couple weeks have made many feel uncomfortable. Personally, I’ve spent many nights awake in bed at night with racing thoughts or bursting into tears when the emotions become overwhelming. I’ve tried to lean into this un-comfort. How does it make me feel and what action does it lead to? More than anything, it’s made me much more aware of the many problems that have been ignored for so long and struggles our black friends have faced since their day of birth. I’ve felt some guilt that I’m not doing enough to help this cause or not even knowing where to start. I’d imagine I’m not alone in feeling this way, but I want to remind you that as long as you’re doing something that feels good for you, that is a good place to start.
There has been an overflow of information on the internet in the last few months. I’ve found it helpful to focus on a few areas that resonate with me with and start there. For example, wrongful conviction and time spent in prison for a crime not committed is something I feel passionately about. I did some research and came across The Innocent Project. Below are a few of the actions I’ve taken to do my part under the umbrella of #blacklivesmatter.
Checking in and listening first to my black friends and educators. I started following Monique Melton on Instagram who has been an amazing educator on anti-racism and telling it how it is. Obsessed with her wisdom, give her a follow.
Choosing to get involved and donate to the The Innocent Project in an effort to make a change for wrongful conviction in our country.
I’ve been sitting on a pile of clothes I’ve been meaning to sell on Poshmark. I knew I wanted to donate to Campaign Zero, so vowed to donate all sales from Poshmark to this organization.
I have ordered these 3 books on Amazon suggested by my sisters: Just Mercy, Savage Inequalities, and Homegoing.
I have made damn sure I am registered to vote and will actively be involved in the upcoming election.
Finally, I have vowed to continue to love all beings regardless of race. You never know what someone is going through or where their life has taken them, so the least we can do as humans is offer love to those around us. This can be challenging, but is an act I remind myself of daily.
I don’t have all the answers and never will; but felt the need to speak out in some way, offer some insight, and check in with those around me. Nothing else feels appropriate to post right now, at least not without this post first. I know I haven’t done enough and there is so much work to be done. I plan to add these actions into my current rotation of volunteering and ways of giving back to my community. I vow that this will not be a one and done, but rather a lifetime commitment to change. As a privileged white female, this is the least I can do and hopefully just the beginning.
*quote via inqlife
I’ll continue to listen and would love to hear what others are doing as well. Please share in comments below!